LC9S and holster

Ruger LC9S Hands-On Review: 9mm Budget Carry Gun

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The Ruger LC9S, a single-stack, striker-fired pocketable 9mm that has sold like hotcakes is a popular gun. It’s small, thin, light, reliable, and cheap. What’s not to like? We’ll examine it in some detail to see if we can determine the answer to that question.

Ruger LC9s Variations

The LC9S is one of a few different models of Ruger’s 9mm pistols. Introduced at the 2011 SHOT Show, the first model, the LC9, was hammer-fired and not too well liked because of its difficult trigger pull. But that didn’t stop it from being named the Shooting Industry Academy of Excellence’s Handgun of the Year in 2011.

So, Ruger listened to shooters and went back to the drawing board. They then came up with a lightweight carry pistol in 9mm that is striker-fired — that’s where the LC9S comes from. It’s the striker-fired replacement that was introduced in July of 2014. Here are three variants:

  • LC9S: Manual safety; magazine disconnect; drift-adjustable sights.
  • LC9S Pro: No manual safety or magazine; drift-adjustable sights.
  • EC9S: (E stands for Essential). Manual safety; magazine disconnect; integral sights; fewer and wider cocking serrations; black oxide finish that can be applied on the production line.
LC9S left side
LC9S (not Pro)

Here are the details from Ruger’s website:

Length6 inches
Height4.5 inches
Width0.90 inches
Barrel3.12 inches, blued
Weight17.2 oz.
CapacityOne 7-round magazine included; 9-round magazines available with finger extension
FrameGlass-filled nylon
SlideThrough-hardened alloy steel
ControlsThumb safety (not on Pro model); slide release; bladed-safety trigger; magazine release
MSRP$449.00 (real-world is between $250-$275)

What’s the Difference Between the Regular and Pro Models?

The only difference is that the Pro model does away with the thumb and magazine disconnect safeties. All models feature a chamber inspection port on the right side of the barrel hood to see if there is a round in the chamber. This port plus the magazine disconnect safety allows the gun to be sold in Massachusetts.

I own the regular model because my gun guy, Duane, didn’t have a Pro model in stock at the time. He told me that he sells the regular model with the extra safeties almost 10 to 1 over the Pro model.

Ruger LC9S Sights

LC9S rear sight
Rear Sight
LC9S rear sight 2
Rear dovetail
LC9S rear sight from top
Rear sight from top
LC9S front sight
front sight (I did the orange paint – original dot is white)

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Ruger LC9S Handling Characteristics

The first thing you’ll notice when you pick one of these guns up is just how small it is. It literally fits in a jean pocket and a pocket holster. Aside from its size, you’ll be struck by how thin it is. The width specification above says it’s less than an inch wide — they’re not kidding. For some hands, it’s too thin. Lack of width helps when you carry it, but shooting it is a different story, especially if you’re shooting +P ammo. It’s rated for +P, but I’d probably limit the amount of the higher-pressure stuff you put through it.

This is a small, lightweight gun, and there are things you can do in order to make it easier to hang on to. I went the cheap route with mine and bought some stair tread tape. I cut pieces to fit the different grip areas and the extremely rough texture of the tape helps the gun to stay planted in my hand.

The advantage of using something non-permanent to aid in the process of adding grip traction is that you can remove it if you ever sell the gun. I also stippled grips, which provide similar texturing to the tape. However, I didn’t want to stipple the very nice-looking molded grip that the LC9S comes with.

LC9S grip with tape
Traction tape, left side. I put it on the extended magazine as well.
LC9S grip with tape on the right side
Traction tape, right side

Perhaps one of the best solutions to the too-thin-grip situation is the Hogue Hand-All Beavertail grip cover.

This slip-on rubber grip performs a few functions. First, it increases the tackiness of the surface your hand is engaging, causing the gun to not move as much in recoil, allowing faster follow-up shots. Second, it has a small beavertail, giving the web of your shooting hand a nice, soft surface to rest against, up high on the frame. This again aids in faster follow-up shots and overall comfort.

Lastly, there is a finger separator that provides finger grooves. On a tiny gun like this, anything extra that you have to hang on to really helps — believe me. What this means is that if you install the included extended finger grip magazine base plate, you will be able to comfortably get three fingers on the grip.

Shooting the Ruger LC9S

Let’s take a look at some of the experiences I have had while shooting this gun.

Ruger LC9S Trigger

The LC9S’s trigger is the best trigger I’ve ever encountered on any striker-fired gun I owned or have owned. There is very little take-up and NO creep. I had to be careful when I switched to shooting this gun after I shot some others because a couple times. The gun fired just as it was coming down on the target.

I was aiming at a target with the intent to fire. It’s just that the trigger is lighter compared to other guns I own that I have to re-adjust my technique when shooting it. Have any of you had a similar experience with it? I’m curious about that.

Some of you say a trigger that light has no place on a carry gun. I would agree, but the trigger isn’t dangerously light. It’s me more than anything. I would guess the trigger is around five pounds, but it is incredibly smooth which makes it feel lighter, at least to me. No creep — just a little take-up than bang. Reset is short and positive. To sum it up, this little gun has a great trigger. The controls are all on the left side and are easy to reach.

LC9S left side controls
controls L-R: takedown lever/pin, slide release, safety

Ruger LC9S Reliability

This gun will digest whatever I put through it. I’ve never had a bobble with any ammo I’ve fed it, including my reloads. Actually, they feed very well and are really accurate (see below).

I attribute the great functioning of the gun at least partially to its polished feed ramp. This allows whatever I put in the magazine to make its way into the chamber with boring regularity. The only ammo I haven’t tried in it yet are steel-cased rounds., but I don’t buy those as my reloads are cheaper and reliable.

LC9S Feed ramp
Feed ramp
LC9S muzzle

Ruger LC9S Accuracy

My LC9S is the most accurate gun of its type that I have ever shot-it’s even more accurate than some duty-sized 9mms I’ve owned. A 17-ounce, 3.1-inch-barreled gun being that accurate? Yep. As my informal targets show, it will shoot when I do my part. It particularly likes my reloads.

They consist of a 126-grain cast round-nose bullet atop 4.0 or 4.8 grains of Long Shot powder. These are technically below the minimum for this powder but they work well in all my 9mm guns and don’t beat the gun up. The 4.0-grain load clocks right at 905 fps, which is not bad for a three-inch barrel, with the 4.8-grain load faster (see below).

When I use my powder-coated bullets, I get zero leading. All this adds up to an accurate shooting experience. I have taken advantage of the rear sight’s being drift-adjustable for windage, but I have not had to adjust elevation — the loads were right on.

Here’s a target I shot a while back with my 4.0-grain reload. You non-reloaders out their will take comfort from the fact that the factory 115 grain FMJ practice rounds that I’ve shot through this gun (WWB, Tula Brass, Remington, others I can’t remember) shot just about the same group-wise and to a similar point of impact although my load was a little bit tighter. This goes for self-defense loads, as well.

The point is that this gun will be at least passably accurate with just about anything put through it, so I won’t bore you with stats and ballistic information easily obtained elsewhere. For my practical (including carry) purposes, this gun is plenty accurate enough.

LC9S on target
target, old handload: 4.0 gr. Long Shot, 126 grain cast RN, 905 fps
LC9S new handload pic
Target, new handload 4.8 gr. Long Shot, same bullet 992 fps.

Here are four quick velocity stats from my chronograph for those of you who care about such things.

  • 126-grain cast RN handload (4.0 grains of Long Shot) 905 fps
  • 126-grain cast RN handload (4.8 grains of Long Shot) 992 fps
  • 115-grain Winchester White Box 1050 fps
  • 115-grain Remington Golden Saber 1035 fps

Why show only one type of powder in my handloads? This just happens to be my favorite of many 9mm handloads and the extra .8-grain of powder makes a difference. It brings it closer to the speed of 115-grain factory practice loads, only with a slightly heavier bullet. That works for me.

The main point I’d like to make is that this gun works very well with whatever ammo I shoot through it, whether I buy pre-assembled factory stuff or shoot a do-it-yourself load with bullets made from wheel weights.

And, in case you’re thinking the targets above don’t show Olympic-level accuracy, you’re right. I was standing on my hind legs holding the gun in both hands, trying not to wobble too much when I shot them. I’m not quite as accurate as I used to be, but any of the loads listed are accurate enough for their intended purposes. The gun and loads are more accurate than I am.

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How Does the Ruger LC9S Carry?

LC9S in holster

Let’s look now at what I call the carry-ability of the LC9S. As I’ve said earlier, the gun fits in a pocket holster very well (Read: Best Concealed Carry Holsters), especially with the flush-fit 7-round magazine in place.

When I use the 9-rounder with the longer finger extension that I bought, it is better if I carry it IWB. I use a DeSantis Inside Heat holster that was originally designed for a S&W Shield 9mm. I guess the single-stack characteristics of the two guns are similar enough that the Ruger fits snugly, as if it was made for it. The holster was a Christmas present, so I use it.

Being what a lot of people consider wrong-handed, I have a hard time finding holsters. I’m glad the Ruger fits the S&W holster. It disappears inside my belt with just enough sticking out that I can get a proper grip on the gun.

When carried with the 9-round magazine in place and one in the chamber, I have ten rounds of Hornady Critical Defense or Remington Golden Saber ammo at the ready (Read: Best 9mm Ammo), all in a package that weighs just over a pound and is practically unnoticeable in its hidden holster. That can give one a sense of peace.

Downsides of the Ruger LC9S

Let’s look at a thing or two that I’m not overly fond of concerning the LC9S. I’ve already discussed how thin the gun is which may be an issue for those with big hands. This is more of a preference thing, though, and not what I’d call a real issue. There is, however, one area that I believe Ruger could improve greatly concerning the LC9S — takedown. Any time you have remove a part completely, out of the gun, there’s a chance you will lose it.

Ruger LC9S Takedown Process

The takedown process for the LC9S is similar to that of the LCP and the Security 9 pistols. Without going into minute detail (there are plenty of Youtube videos that cover the process), here are the basics.

  1. After removing the magazine, make sure the chamber is empty.
  2. Once clear, slide the takedown pin keeper down. it will click into place, exposing the round takedown pin. Take pressure off the slide by moving it slightly to the rear (similar to taking down a Glock, at least to this point). You then will look at the left side of the pistol, at the point where the slide’s relief cut for the takedown pin is. Pull the trigger (LC9s Pro) or insert the plastic orange magazine that comes with the regular magazine-safety-equipped LC9S and pull the trigger to release the sear.
  3. Line up the slide cutout with the pin, and use a small pointy tool to push, from the right side, the pin out. Once it starts out, it should then come all the way out by pulling it with your fingers, or even fall out with gravity’s help. Put it someplace special so you don’t lose it.
  4. You need to practice holding the slide back to get the slot lined up for the pin to come out with your left hand while your starboard hand is using a tiny punch, screwdriver, nail etc. to start pushing the pin out from the right side.
LC9S takedown pin hole

This is the same basic takedown for the three models of pistols listed above. At least the Security 9 has a pin with a lip on it that allows you to use a case rim or something similar to pull it out once it’s been freed from the right side.

It really isn’t that bad, taking the LC9S down — it just takes practice. After the slide’s off, proceed as you normally would with any striker-fired pistol’s cleaning process. Remove the recoil spring and barrel, and go to town getting the grunge out.

To put it back together, get the spring and barrel in the slide, replace them on the frame, and line up the little cutout on the slide with the hole in the frame. Stick the takedown pin in, left to right, and once it’s flush, slide the pin keeper lever up until it clicks into place. Cycle the slide and make sure the gun functions, and you’re done.

LC9S taken down
Gun taken down into its major field-strip components. Note full-length rails.

Ruger LC9S Colors and Finishes

The LC9S, through its many distributors, is available in several colors/ finishes. At last look, the Ruger website showed 14 variations with the LC9S. Here are a few examples to get you started.

LC9S different colors

You can buy a new LC9S in a whole lot of different finishes and colors, something for everybody.

Wrap Up

I believe that there may be better carry guns out there, and the LC9S is one of the best carry guns around, regardless of price or quality.

To carry it, stick it in a pocket holster and go. Rest well in the knowledge that the gun will fire every time you pull the trigger and will hit what you aim at if you do your part. There are several 17-ounce pocket pistols out there, but not a whole lot of them will shoot the 9mm.

Most small pistols are .380s. If you want to have a lot of firepower in a pocketable package, take a look at the LC9S or EC9S — you won’t be sorry you did. As always, I’d appreciate hearing your experiences with this gun below-leave a comment. Happy shooting, and be safe!

(Disclaimer: According to the information I received, the LC9S and the LC9S Pro are being discontinued in favor of the EC9S, but the guns are still widely available and (with the exception of the differences noted above), everything I say about the LC9S will apply to the EC9S).

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  1. I bought my LC9s as I was never being able to work a slide I had revolvers so first I rented after testing that I could rack it. Arthritic hands and brain.
    Holy Toledo at 10 yards the black nearly evaporated. I ran home, got on line and first semi auto.
    I fire one handed, either left or right and this gun is amazing. No rests, all from a standing duellist style. Sometimes the left hand beats the right hand, today the right hand won.
    I then purchased a Security 9 for its capacity, but the LC9s is my favorite.
    During a mind freeze I bought Federal aluminum ammo. Grounds for divorce. The Security 9 has troubles with the aluminium, the LC9s gobbles them up like me at the sushi table.

    I carry IWB at 6 o’clock in a suede holster from Relentless Tactical. The combo is so comfy I can sleep on my back with it in place.

    Only complaint, the take down pin is a pain but one gets used to it that is,until I break down the Security 9.
    Answer, clean the LC9s first.
    Surprised at it being discontinued but the EC9s is the same gun, just a cheaper finish so I was told by a GS owner.

    A great gun and one I never thought would step ahead of my 1983 Blackhawk SA .45.

    1. Alan, your experiences are close to mine with this gun. I agree about the accuracy and the take-down pin. I also have a Blackhawk .45 – great gun. Ruger does a good job. Thanks for the comment!

  2. Mike, i’ve carried an lc9s in a pocket holster for about 3 yrs now. No problems with it ever. Great little cc gun. Ruger got it right with this one. I just bought a sig p365 though which might become my primary edc. Have to wait and see if sig has fixed the problems with it. By the way, at the risk of sounding like a “snowflake”, which i’m not, why not trap that raccoon in a cage and release it somewhere else.

    1. Jim,
      The racoon is safe. He sees me way before I see him and is off, under the highway. So, I think his future is secure. The P365 is a heck of a gun – great trigger and sights – but not everyone can afford one, That’s where the LC9S etc. come in. I’d like to have the 365 but can’t do that right now. The LC9S is a pretty good gun in its own right. Thanks for the comment!

    2. I have a LC9s.. I was considering a Sig 365. Only 3 more rnds, $500. If I can’t hit with 7 can I hit with 10? Where did the first 7 or 5 go?
      For $500 I can buy and have all over the place 2 EC9s

  3. I bought the original LC9 within a month of its appearance at my local gun store. It taught me to never buy a gun without at least having the opportunity to dry fire it first! The hammer-fired LC9 trigger was the worst semi-auto pistol trigger that I’ve ever experienced, because my hand is too large to not get all “bunched up” in its ex-tre–me—ly long travel before it breaks. Only after a trigger job, which Ruger later attempted to preclude by discontinuing sales of official Ruger trigger bar parts, could I competently and somewhat enjoyably fire the gun!

    However, my opinion of the LC9 changed after dry firing the new LC9S at SHOT show a few years ago and I had to forgive Ruger for their previous errors and mail order the Pro version. I agree with Col. Nutnfancy. It’s a near perfect concealed carry pistol. I also agree with you; other than the takedown pin, what’s not to like? The slim width is, as you say, a personal preference and I like it along with the grip surface texture.

    If Ruger is discontinuing the LC9S (is it currently only available as a Talo gun?), then I think Ruger is making another LC9 mistake. I personally would not buy the EC9S with its cheapie finish and sights.

    Finally, I don’t think brightly colored firearms are a good idea, because training guns are usually produced in bight, or at least vibrant, colors. Ridiculous as it may seem, there’s always some chance of confusing the two very different sorts of guns and there’s no significant upside to be had in a brightly colored firearm.

    1. Calin, I agree totally with you about the original LC9 and brightly-colored guns. The only reason, in my opinion, for a manufacturer to make a yellow or other brightly-colored gun would be sales to those who might not otherwise buy a gun. Could be females, but I have a very good male friend, an experienced shooter, who waited for the teal-and-white Taurus Spectrum to come out-he wanted that one. Who knows what drives sales. I also agree about the Talo-only status – the LC9S IS better finished, has replaceable sights, and deeper slide serrations. I think they’re making a mistake not keeping it in general production.

      1. Funny, Mike–I had the same thoughts about female gun buyers. Regardless of who buys them, I guess colors must sell or they would not be produced. I can see owning a brightly colored hunting knife, because I’m prone to losing track of them (often with daylight waning) after laying them down amongst the brush, grass, or other foliage but it’s not something I’d ever be likely to do with a firearm (even a small pistol).

        I’ve been a bullet caster for many years. I really need to look into these new-fangled powder coating processes! I’ve watched a few YouTube vids and just need to try it sometime. In the past, I’ve even resorted to casting hunting bullets with a small amount of soft alloy first poured into the bullet tip and ogive to aid expansion, but “chased” with a stronger alloy to engage the rifling (and gas-checked too). Maybe I can simply cast the entire bullet in softer alloy and keep the leading at bay with the powder coat!

        1. Calin, I agree about the hunting knife needing to be bright! Lost my share of hunting stuff. And, yes, somebody must be buying these neon guns or they wouldn’t make them. I admit I like stainless guns, but that’s about as adventurous as I get in terms of colors for my carry guns. Casting one bullet with two alloys would be quite a trick – if you pulled THAT off, my hat’s off to you!
          As for powder coating, give it a try – a $25 toaster oven and $7 worth of powdered paint from Harbor Freight is all you need. Of course, you can spend more and get better-quality paint, but I’ve had decent luck with the inexpensive (a better word than “cheap”) stuff. It does tend to keep the leading down, with reasonable loads. Just make sure to keep the powder warm – I’ve had troubles in my unheated garage, where I store my stuff and powder coat things, with the paint not sticking when it was cold out. Now, with warmer weather, that shouldn’t be an issue. Try -it — you’ll like it! As usual, thanks for the comment!

          1. Powder coating definitely sounds easier than casting bi-metal bullets. Thanks! I can’t remember where I first heard about casting bullet tips with softer lead but I’m certainly not the first person to do it. It’s not too hard really but you need two lead furnaces with your two melts at temperature and ready to go. Then you need a small dipper for the first splash of lead. I trimmed a spent 22LR casing and I drilled a hole near the case rim and silver soldered a brass wire to it, through the hole. I made a couple different sizes by trimming down 22 cases. 4 large bullet tips I’m sure a 9 mm casing would work just fine too. Once the first pour is made and the final poor readied, the first poor has usually set up just enough to bond but not mix much with the melt from the second pour. It takes some experimentation with timing but it’s not very hard to do.

          2. Calin, all that work impresses me for sure! To go to all that trouble and detail in order to get a bi-metal bullet says something about your level of involvement with casting. Try powder coating…it should cut down on your leading, plus you have the benefit of using different bullet colors for different loads. Like I said above, about $30-35 will get you most everything you need to start. If you do, let us know how it’s going. Thanks again for writing!

    2. Calin,
      I am not sure as I have not seen the “color” Rugers, but my wife might like them AND an assailant would see by her movements and a “color weapon” in her hand. to back off or be hurt ( bad) ! The Blue looks pretty good, but I think the silver/ grey would be more comcealable in my waist or coat or pants pocket.

        1. Calin, I’m not sure of the stats, but I think I read that more than 50% of the time just showing your gun is enough. Criminals want easy, defenseless targets and facing the muzzle of your gun tells them it might be wise to look elsewhere. Thanks for keeping the thread going!

  4. That’s about all the news that’s fit to print! Good job. You’ve got me thinking, dang it….Now I guess I have to go to to gun shop and take a look at it.
    Always been a fan of Ruger and I need a smaller carry now and then.

    1. Howard, thanks for the compliment. If I can get you to thinking, my job is done…what you do from there on is between you and your local gun shop! At least the LC9S is fairly inexpensive…and a heck of a buy.

  5. I bought a Ruger EC9s and that little pistol is with me every day in a shoulder holster . Ruger knocked a home run with this pistol. Some paint on the sights help with old eyes.

    1. Jim…shoulder holster – great idea! It would be really invisible there. And, yep, paint (or in my case, bright orange fingernail polish) on the front sight helps. Thanks for the comment!

      1. Go to e-bay, they have a shoulder rig that works great. It is an elastic chest or belly band with a shoulder strap that works really well with the EC9s. All for $ 8.97. Only con with this is it is black and will show through some shirts. Other than that, this is a great CC rig.

  6. I picked up the LC9s Pro 4 years ago, after only reading extensively about it, and having only ever handled an LC9 at the gun shop. I realize I’m not typical (Left Handed, and relatively small hands) but the grip alone sold me on this gun. Something about the grip angle and thickness (or lack there of) fits my hands perfectly, and the sights seem to be naturally aligned, even with a casual grip (unlike with most other pistols, where I find I need to pull the front sight up and left from where I start to aim). I am not a particularly good shot, but I find the LC9s is as accurate for me as a full sized pistol, and very comfortable to shoot. After several hundred rounds, I can definitely agree about the great trigger, and it’s reliability with a variety of ammo. It is my EDC except when weather precludes, and I am forced to carry it’s little brother, the LCP. I also think I may be getting carried away with all the accessories and upgrades available for it, having so far purchased: 4 extra magazines (including 2 extended), Hi-Viz LiteWave Fiber-Optic sights, an ArmaLaser TR9G Green laser sight, a Pachmayr Tactical Grip Glove, Garrison Extra Long Grip Extensions, MagGuts Magazine Inserts, and a Powder River Precision Trigger Kit.

    1. Wow! Ruger ought to hire you! You could be the LC9S’s Star User! That’s great that you shoot it well and that you’ve tricked it out with all those accessories. We do have one thing in common – I’m a lefty with normal-to-small-sized hands and it shoots to P.O.A. for me as well. The accuracy really gets me…mine outshoots several duty-size 9s I’ve owned. So, you have both fiber-optic sights and a laser? How does that work out for you? Interesting set-up…thanks for writing!

      1. As to the first part, if they saw how poorly I shoot, I suspect Ruger would want nothing from me except my money.

        I will admit that the laser sight was motivated primarily due to style considerations (a laser sight, particularly a green one is just cool). I could justify it for low light situations, but then I could have gone for night sights, or one of the laser/light combos, I just like the way the TR9 looks on the gun. The fiber optics were the practical accessory, as my vision is not what it used to be, and even there, I picked the best looking of the available sights (though I love how easy they are to acquire, even in doors). I only recently took the time to properly align the laser, so I will have to decide if it is worth the style value.

        I love that you have had the same experience in terms of accuracy/point of aim with this gun. Again, I am barely an average shooter (would that I had the time to get better), but I have been able to surprise myself with fairly accurate point shooting, something I was NEVER able to do with another weapon.

        Another factor that I will throw out there, is that the trigger kit reduced the take-up/over-travel, and reduced the trigger pull… a bit (I got the kit primarily for the shorter reset, which is really nice. The trigger pull now being under 4 lbs… I’ve taken to using a Garrison Trigger Stop until I am completely comfortable with it… but… it’s so nice!

        1. Sounds like you’ve got the gun set up exactly as you want it. That in itself will give you confidence, which will then turn into increased ability to put the shots right where you want them. Keep shooting and let us know how it’s going! Thanks for writing.

      2. Today I just got a Depring Belly Band Holster off Amazon. Seems like it will work really nicely, though it will take a while to break in (with the laser sight).

  7. About the Hogue sleeve. Try using some isopropyl alcohol. Drug store variety is fine. I use it to place handlebar grips onto bicycles, and to remove as well. Just dribble some in the sleeve and slip onto the pistol’s grip. The isoOH will evaporate after a while. To remove, lift an edge and squirt some between the sleeve and grip and slide off.

  8. Great job, I need to know about the Ruger LC9s casue I want to buy one for my wife. It should be easy for a lady to handel, draw, aim, and fire easily and quickly due to it’s shape and lightweight. And in 9mm it will “Eliminate The Threat” as I was taught in the Army.
    And with no safety lever to move like my Walther P-38, it is ready to fire qicker. And I understand they come with built in lasers, correct? She wants a laser and I’ve been married long enough to get her what she wants! Heck, I might get one myself. My Walther is great; nickel plated w/ gold trim, but is a bit heavy and large for concealed carrry.
    I’ve had myccw for years and she will get hersASAP. And, we live near a range that rents handguns to try on their indoor range, so if she likes the Ruger, I’ll try it too. A lighter well built carry powerful handgun is welcome for me and the light weight, and smaller size & good grip for a lady’s hand is perfect! Now what color will she pick??!! Thaks for all your info!

    1. Swifty (love that handle!), first thanks for the kind words. Now…the LC9S is a great carry gun, and your wife should be able to handle it with some practice. You may want to think about putting a Hogue Hand-All grip cover on it, though – it is really thin and can be a bit hard to handle with heavy loads, plus it’s pretty thin for a 9mm. As for a built-in laser, you might be able to find one online or locally in a shop, but Ruger shows nothing built-in on their website. You can buy 3rd-party lasers for it. Ruger has discontinued the LC9S – your local shop can get one of the 4 they’re making for Talo Distributors if they deal with that company. They only make those four, for that one company. Ruger has replaced the LC9S with the EC9S (Economy). The slide serrations are fewer and less sharply-cut, the sights are integral with the slide and not adjustable/replaceable, and the finish is not as “fancy” (it is applied on the production line as opposed to a further, separate operation from what I’ve read. Nothing wrong with the “E”, but you should still be able to find the “L”. My local gun shop has some so others probably will, too. Good luck, and keep us posted!

      1. Mike – just saw this article (05/14/2020); LC9s is my edc for the last year. They’re still available at (LNIB) for $340. Mike A

        1. Mike, that’s good to know. They are still popular – the EC9 is OK but some like the sights of the LC9. Thanks for writing!

  9. My EC9s has gone back to Ruger 3 times for repair. Twice for a broken striker and the last time with a stuck slide and barrel. Ruger decided to destroy the pistol on the 3rd time in and replace it. The replacement works fine except for regular failure to feed. I’ve sent Security 9s back three times and an LCP II twice. I have a lot or respect for Ruger customer service: courteous, concerned, and helpful.

    1. Ruger (nice handle), too bad about your EC9 . You are likely the exception, with a three-tripper back to Ruger. They do have just about the best CS in the business…they once replaced a pistol for me that they probably didn’t need to. Hopefully your issues will be resolved…thanks for writing!

  10. Great article. I traded a Diamondback DB9 and NA Guardian 32 for a used LC9S and absolutely love it. It is so easy to carry. I carry it every day in a B. B. F. Make IWB Holster. I also have a Glock 26, but it now resides in the safe as the LC9S is a much better fit for me and I actually shoot much better with the LC9S than I can with the G26. I can’t say enough good about the LC9S. Great Gun.

    1. Terry, good points. You only give up 1 round from the 26, if you use the 9-round Ruger mag but shootability and ease of carry trumps any capacity issues in my book. Glad it works for you-thanks for writing!

  11. Though I haven’t (or can’t) verify everything in detail you say about the LC9S single stacker, I can tell you I absolutely ‘adore’ mine and love shooting it. Carries easily! Nice trigger action for sure….smooth/reliable with accuracy that makes me look like a better shooter than I am. Love it ten times more than the Beretta M9 USAF issue side arm for sure. And you’re also right…most CC pistols of this diminutive size are .380s…or even .25s. So thanks for all the additional info behind why I like my LC9S so much (extended mags work well too). BTW…are they REALLY discontinuing the LC9 Pro and LC9S?

    1. PAck44N, they’ve already done that. They’re not making the “L” series – it’s all “E”. They’re cheaper for Ruger to build yet they still give you 90% of the L pistol. I agree – it was easy to carry and the trigger was great. Thanks for writing!

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