Glock 19 and ammo

Walther PPQ vs Glock 19 – Comparison

When comparing the 9mm handguns available, two models that always top the discussion are the Walther PPQ and the Glock 19. They are both quality handguns, but their makers have taken two very different approaches to the designs. While Glock is a master of simplicity and reliability, Walther has gone for a more elaborate design. In the end, both are fine choices to consider. However, we must make a comparison between the Walther PPQ versus the Glock 19.

Largely, the Glock 19 has established itself as the gun to beat in this category. Part of the reason is because it was the first polymer handgun created that covers the needs of just about any user. The Glock 17 started the revolution as Gaston Glock incorporated his years of polymer experience into the handgun industry. The Glock 19 was just the third model produced by Glock, so it has had a long run of success.
While the Glock was first created specifically for the Austrian army, it is now used as the primary sidearm in over 48 countries. Over 60% of the service handguns used in the United States are Glocks, and the Glock 19 is the most popular model. This is because it is large enough to easily stop an attacker, but small enough to use as a conceal-and-carry weapon. It is accurate, reliable, and can take just about any ammo you can fit in the magazine.

The Glock 19 is inexpensive, easy to find ammo for, and has a plethora of accessories and modifications available. While it is not the prettiest gun in the world, there really have not been any complaints about the firearm since its release. It took other manufacturers several attempts before developing a gun of this size and caliber that could potentially compete against the Glock 19. However, the PPQ holds its own in the debate on the Glock 19 vs Walther PPQ.

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Walther PPQ

Walther is a German manufacturer, and the PPQ is a revised version of the popular P99. It has quickly gained a reputation for being a fast and ergonomically focused firearm. It has a much more attractive appearance, and a grip that cannot be topped. The PPQ has a light trigger pull which allows for quicker and more accurate follow up shots. These are all reason why it could become a good alternative to the Glock 19.

The ergonomics of the PPQ are one way that it stands out from the Glock 19. It has a unique grip texture that is especially comfortable on your hand. There are three interchangeable backstraps, so you can adjust the grip based on your hand size. The magazine and slide releases are ambidextrous for any user. The slide is serrated so you can easily grip to pull it back. The comfort added to the firearm also added to the styling and appearance of the firearm. I must admit that it is a fresh change from the plain Jane looks of the Glock 19.

The trigger pull is one of the nicest features of the PPQ. It has a light, smooth trigger at only 5.6 pounds. The trigger travels .4 inches with a .1 inch rest, so the recovery is quite fast. The recoil is light and there is very little muzzle movement, so your follow up shots should typically be on line. The light trigger also helps with the accuracy of your initial shot.

Another feature I like about the Walther PPQ is the three dot sight system. I have always seen complaints about the sights on the Glock 19. The three dot system on the PPQ draws in your eye allowing for a quick target acquisition. These sights are good in standard and low light scenarios, and are low profile so they are less likely to catch on clothing or the holster. Unfortunately, the sights are still plastic like on the Glock.
The only negative aspect of the Walther PPQ I have seen is an issue with the slide lock. Some users have mentioned that the slide does not always lock in place at the end of a magazine. It turns out that the issue is based on finger placement. If you place your finger in the wrong spot, it will hit the slide release button at the end of the magazine preventing it from locking in place. I am sure adjustments can be made to how the gun is gripped to prevent this issue, but I have never heard about this problem from Glock 19 owners.

Glock 19

The Glock 19 is the reigning champ when it comes to firearms in this class. It was released in 1988 and has been one of the most widely sold handguns ever since. One fact that should be noted is that there are three primary versions of the Glock 19 available. There is the original release, the Gen 3, and the Gen 4. The newer generations add features like an accessory rail which allows for tac-light accessories, different grip textures, and interchangeable backstraps for larger handed owners. However, newer generations have been criticized as having issues with reliability. If I had to pick a Glock 19, it would be the original version.

The G19 is a true utility pistol. It is big enough to be used as a full service pistol, but small enough that you can wear it as a conceal-and-carry firearm. It is a bit bulky for tight clothing, but still covers the needs of most users. The versatility of the firearm is unmatched. It will take virtually any ammo that fits, and it will take magazines from several other Glock models. This gun is rough and tough, and does not even have to be cleaned that often.

The trigger pull on the Glock 19 is well above average. It has a smooth pull with a crisp wall. The grip is a little on the rough side, but still does fine. Recoil is light on the Glock allowing for a tight grouping on follow up shots. It is considered to be accurate and reliable. The appearance of the Glock is very basic by design, and it has a plain look to it.

One of the only complaints about the Glock is the sights. Both the front sight and the rear sight are made of plastic. This means that any time you drop the gun you risk permanently damaging the sight picture. It also means that simple wear and tear from pulling the gun from your holster could wear down the sights. In addition, the rear sight is a wide rectangle that confuses the eye. When drawing your firearm, you have a small front sight floating in a large rear sight rectangle. It makes target acquisition very difficult and can make follow up shots even tougher.

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Comparison – Walther PPQ vs Glock 19

You cannot deny that the Glock 19 has established itself as the standard for the industry. However, you have to be open to other options. Not everybody is going to fall in love with the Glock. I think the biggest advantage that the Glock has is that hundreds of thousands of military, police, and personal owners have proven its effectiveness. It is very hard to argue with experience. Many people swear by the Glock brand and would never buy another handgun.

However, it is worth considering new innovations. There is the possibility of Walther coming up with a better option. To determine if they have accomplished this, we must look at the few weaknesses of the Glock and the few advantages of the Walther. These are minor details, so remember that either of these handguns could be an excellent choice.

The biggest complaints of the Glock 19 are the sights and the appearance. The Glock rear sight is a wide rectangle that leaves the front sight floating is a sea of uncertainty. How is your eye supposed to adapt to that? You have to be able to focus in on a specific point, but the wide rear sight does not allow it. As for the appearance, it is simplistic. The Glock is also called the “block” because it has very few features to make it more attractive. Are these major issues? No, not really.

The main benefits of the PPQ are the sharp appearance and ergonomic design. The criticisms of the Walther PPQ are the placement of the slide release and an occasional user having issues with groupings. The slide release issue makes sense to me, but I cannot understand the accuracy issue. Every aspect of the PPQ says that it should be more accurate. The sights are better, it is light on recoil, and the trigger pull is light and smooth. However, some users shooting both guns and comparing the Walther PPQ versus the Glock 19 say that groupings are tighter with the Glock. That makes no sense to me unless users are just more experienced with the Glock because it has been around so long.


If you have to make a decision on the Walther PPQ vs the Glock 19, I give the edge to the Glock. The main reason is because of the fact that the Glock has proven itself over and over. The Walther is just too new for me to say it is a better gun than the Glock. A few years from now we may change our tune. Both guns are high quality options and I would be happy to fire either weapon, but the win goes to Glock this time.

  1. PPQ is superior handgun. I own both and PPQ and g19. PPQ is more ergonomic and the PPQ stock trigger is what you’d spend extra on in the Glock.
    I can hit at 25 yds with PPQ what I could only hit at 15 yds with glock. I am racheting the target to 50 feet these days and 8/10 are on the paper with the PPQ.
    Then there’s the trigger reset, like finely tuned watch on PPQ.. Some complain about lack of aftermarket PPQ parts, but other than night sights, you really don’t need them, as “it’s all there” on PPQ.
    Also my PPQ Navy handles a suppressor with no issues, the Glock misfeeds a lot. (Glock barrel costs extra too!0
    I am selling my last Glock (I had three) and going all-in on PPQ. It’s really that good.
    PS no I am not paid shill, I bought all my guns and ammo with own $$. I am only plugging the PPQ because it is a better solution, especially if you point high on the glock.

  2. While the Glock 19 is a good gun to me there is no comparison to a Walther PPQ or P99 to take it further my Canik TP9sfx Sar 9 Ruger SR9 cost less than a Glock but to me they perform better and all mentioned have been reliable accurate comfortable to shoot with triggers better or the same as the Glock wouldn’t trade one of them for a Glock but I’m not bad mouthing Glock it’s just my opinion

  3. I own both the Glock 19 and the Walther PPQ. I have to give the edge to the PPQ. The trigger is a dream. Second shots are quick and o target with a tight pattern. Target acquisition is also much quicker than the Glock. Both are fine weapons but I prefer the PPQ.

  4. Reading the article I assumed you were going to declare the PPQ the victor because you favored it over the Glock in every single material feature.

    But Glock wins because the PPQ is “too new?” Then why even compare them? If that’s the reason, the Glock was going to win no matter what.

    Do you also still favor flip phones? Tube televisions? Floppy disks?

  5. I am a Law Enforcement Officer in northern Indiana, have been through multiple firearms trainings and shooting classes as both a LEO and civilian, and have owned/shot both of these guns in this review. I currently do not have a 19 but rather a 23 (which is the brother to the 19 and nearly identical in every way except caliber). I will say that Mike is spot-on here, and I’d like to reinforce what he has said. The Glock isn’t winning a beauty contest but it has an impressive reputation and I can personally attest to their toughness. When off duty, I carry a gun nearly anytime I leave my back door. This includes going running, changing the oil on the car, cleaning the gutters, going camping, etc. This means my carry gun gets covered in salty sweat, dusted with dirt/crud while outside, layed on top of while on the garage floor, you name it. The Glock stood up to this for years, and I have yet to find rust or significant wear on it. Embarrassingly, one time I had the gun apart for cleaning and actually dropped the slide from chest level directly onto painted concrete in my basement. I picked it up and was able to wipe off the spot where it hit, leaving only a faint scuff. No chipped coating, and the spot is something I struggle to locate now, even if I look for it.

    The Walther I have not owned nearly as long so I cannot attest to all the same things, but it does have its place. We are required to run any gun we plan to carry through the police pistol qual course and be scored just like our department duty gun. When I ran the PPQ, I actually obtained a higher score than with my full sized dept issue Sig320. The thing just drives tacks. My comrades stopped making fun of my “pretty Walther” after the targets got scored that day.

    The last point I would like to add for people to be aware of is the grip angle difference. Glock grip angle is about 22 degrees off square, and the Walther is closer to 18 or 19 degrees off square. Is that a big deal if you use your sights correctly for every shot? No…probably not. How about if you have trained with and carried a Sig for years, or do a lot of quick draw and night shooting where the sights don’t always get used because muzzle flash blinds you or there simply isn’t time to use sights? One of the drills we do at the range involves shooting from the hip immediately after your gun clears leather. This simulates the situation of a bad guy shooting at you and you need rounds downrange ASAP before you even bring the gun up to eye level to aim. This is all instinct shooting, no using the sights. That 4 degrees offset now becomes a big deal if you are used to one platform and switch to the other without re-training. Being that I am used to a Sig, that was a big factor in switching to the PPQ from the Glock 19/23. I believe this contributed to my boost in scoring at the range, as the PPQ resembles a Sig in grip design/angle, etc.

    I am not going to present an opinion here on the G19 vs PPQ because I think they both have their place, but I just wanted to share some of my experiences. I hope that helps anyone else who is seriously debating the G19/ PPQ platforms, as I was for a long time! (Hint, the correct answer is to buy both!)


  6. I’m going to make this short and sweet. The Walther PPQ is a better pistol then the Glock 19 by a significant margin. Anyone who disagrees is an fanboy idiot and has no idea what they’re talking about. A simple Google search will reveal over dozens of comparison videos/reviews in a lot of cases by professional shooters and they all agree that the PPQ is better.

    Case Closed.

  7. I’d like to point out that the ppq is a 100% pre-cocked striker which is why it has a “nicer trigger” where as the glock 19 has the safe action system which translates to the striker springs aren’t under enough tension to pop a primer until the trigger is pulled. if a catastrophic malfunction happens like a cracked frame or something to that effect it can’t fire, only simple the primer. Also the glocks come with polygonal rifling which could make sense with the accuracy discrepancies. The ppq m2 comes with standard rifling. Does it make a difference? Well glock does and Walther doesn’t. I own a ppq m2. I love it. I hate that mags cost $42 a pop, the ppq sub compact can’t use the standard ppq m2 mags and the SC was completely redesigned with plastic in the slide. Even the aftermarket support of the ppq after 6 years is pretty slim. The glock 19 is compatible with the 26 with mags. You can also get higher cap mags and most standard mags are $10-$15.. can’t even find sights for the ppq in the $70 range with good reviews. The ubiquity of glocks and their compatibility platform leads to their allure.
    Looking back I kinda wish I got a glock, but now I have a reason to buy another gun which isn’t a bad thing either.
    If you like it, buy it.

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